Razom We Stand

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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Russia is earning almost €1bn every day, selling oil and gas to Europe. Without a real embargo on Russian fossil fuels, the war in Ukraine will never end.

Stand with Ukraine! Full EU embargo on Russian oil & gas now!

To all EU Presidents, Prime Ministers and Parliaments and to the UK Prime Minister

Right now, 10 to 20 million barrels of Russian oil are arriving in Europe every week. Putin can still sell oil and gas directly to every country in Europe and earning nearly €1bn every day since the start of the war.

Every Euro Putin gets from European countries he spends on attacking Ukraine. Europe’s fossil fuel addiction is paying for weapons, the destruction of my country, and horrendous war crimes.

But you can decide to stop this, by enacting effective sanctions, and end Russia’s ability to wage war.

We are demanding that the European Union and UK:

  • Ban the import of any fossil fuels from Russia.
  • Stop financial organizations funding or servicing the Russian fossil fuel industry, or trading with companies that fund Russia’s war machine.
  • Speed up the green transition and end oil and gas-fuelled conflicts around the world.

A peaceful, sustainable, democratic future is possible, free from Putin and other petro-dictators. The European Union must lead the way in creating it.

Thank you!
Svitlana Romanko
Razom We Stand

We act together to end fossil fuelled conflicts and climate chaos, and drive the clean energy revolution in Ukraine and globally.

The time to end fossil-fueled conflict and climate chaos is now. We need to end our addiction to fossil fuels and transition to clean energy. We can’t continue funding Putin’s war machine by buying Russian oil and gas. All investment in Russian fossil fuels must end. Razom, we can build a better future for everyone.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Russia has earned €1bn every day from the sale of fossil fuels to the EU. This money is funding weapons, war crimes and the destruction of Ukraine.

Join us in calling for a real and complete EU embargo on Russian oil and gas.

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Our addiction to fossil fuels is lining the pockets of petrostate autocrats around the world.

Putin has funded his war in Ukraine by selling Russian oil, gas and coal to countries across Europe and globally.
A total and permanent embargo on Russian fossil fuels will weaken Putin and help Ukraine win this war.
We need to end all investment in the Russian fossil fuel industry immediately. Western oil and gas companies that still continue to operate in Russia must be taken to account for funding the war in Ukraine.

We have to transition away from fossil fuels to end climate chaos.

For far too long, oil and gas giants have used their money and influence to lobby governments to delay taking action on climate.

Dirty and dangerous fossil fuels release millions of tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere, creating the climate crisis that threatens us all. We need to end our addiction to fossil fuels and start a rapid global transition to renewables now.

We need to end our fossil fuel addiction now!

Sign our petition