19.04.24 / Earth Day 2024 Ukraine war in Ukraine renewable energy /

Ukrainian Climate Group Calls for More Renewable Energy to Bring Peace on Earth Day 2024


Kyiv, Ukraine - April 22, 2024

As the world honours and celebrates our remarkable planet on Earth Day 2024, Razom We Stand, a leading Ukrainian climate advocacy group, reaffirms its commitment to renewable energy and peace, emphasizing the urgent need for a transition to clean energy alternatives.

Earth Day serves as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility to safeguard our planet and address the pressing challenges of the climate crisis. Razom We Stand highlights the critical role of transitioning to clean energy sources in stopping fossil fuel-funded wars, creating economic benefits, combating the climate crisis, and reducing reliance on fossil fuels to build energy resilience.

The ongoing war in Ukraine, which continues to take thousands of innocent lives, makes it straightforward for all to see the devastating impact of fossil fuel dependence on geopolitical stability and human suffering. Instead of perpetuating the cycle of violence by purchasing fossil fuels that fund Russian war crimes in Ukraine, world leaders must seize the opportunity to support Ukraine's green energy transition.

Over 50 per cent of Ukraine’s infrastructure has been damaged by rocket and drone attacks since the start of the war, leaving thousands without electricity in Kyiv this week. The urgent need for reconstruction in Ukraine, particularly in the wake of extensive damage to energy infrastructure, should prompt the US and other world leaders to use this as an opportunity for hope and increase support for sustainable, decentralised, energy-efficient, renewable energy projects and help make Ukraine the world's first post-war country rebuilt on renewable energy, setting a global precedent for infrastructure-centred climate actions.

"Earth Day provides the perfect reminder that renewables are cheaper, more reliable, and provide energy solutions without the economic, human, and environmental damages caused by fossil fuels," emphasized Svitlana Romanko, Founder and Director of Razom We Stand. "The war on Ukraine is a tragic reminder of the dangers posed by fossil fuel-funded dictators and the benefits of a durable shift to renewable energy for peace and stability. Without global leaders finally banning Russian LNG gas, pipeline oil, closing the refining loophole and tightening the price cap policy, many nations will continue to hand over money to fuel the Kremlin’s war chest."

The investment requirements for reconstructing Ukraine's power sector, extensively harmed by Russian assaults, are estimated by the World Bank at $10.7-12.9 billion. Ukrainian President Zelensky himself has emphasized the assurance of genuine energy stability through green energy initiatives, indicating Ukraine's potential as a significant supplier of clean electricity to Europe. The sector's potential alone is valued at approximately $400 billion, with the possibility of generating over 4.2 million additional jobs across vital sectors such as transportation, energy, healthcare, education, and water if Ukraine's post-war reconstruction adopts a green approach.

Despite the urgent need for nations to overcome their dependence on Russian LNG, the world does not require additional American LNG. Fossil fuel companies based in the US continue to promote the false narrative that Europe requires additional American gas. If their proposals were to gain approval from the federal government, U.S. gas export capacity would surpass Europe's energy needs by 76 per cent by 2030. Not only would this gas surplus be futile, but the climate ramifications would be nearly inconceivable, amounting to a cost of up to $178 trillion by 2070.#

Razom We Stand urges global leaders to halt subsidies to fossil fuels and LNG, perpetuating economic losses, climate upheaval, geopolitical turmoil, and respiratory health issues. Instead, investing in cheaper clean energy sources that are at an all-time high, like wind and solar, can stimulate economies, reduce climate damage costs, and benefit the environment.

As the world marks Earth Day 2024, the importance of international cooperation in promoting renewable energy and supporting Ukraine's green energy transition can not be underestimated. Together, we can build a more resilient, peaceful, and sustainable future for generations to come.


Razom We Stand is a Ukrainian organisation active internationally, calling for a total and permanent embargo on Russian fossil fuels and an immediate end to all investment into Russian oil and gas companies by phasing out fossil fuels globally.

Svitlana Romanko was recently quoted on the White House's official website in response to the Biden administration's decision to pause LNG exports and has appeared in top-tier international press, including Washington Post, CNN, NBC, Politico, Bloomberg, The Hill, Financial Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde; a detailed list is here.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact

Paraic Walker  - press@razomwestand.org

International Communications Specialist Razom We Stand