30.03.23 / Embargo / Press Release

Ukrainian clean energy group demands Austria turn words into action on Commitments to support Ukraine

Vienna, Austria 

Ukrainian President Zelensky today stated to the Austrian Council: "One cannot be morally neutral towards evil".
To turn words into action Ukrainian campaigning group Razom We Stand urges the Austrian government to immediately act to tighten and fully enforce the full and transparent embargo on Russian fossil fuels. 



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Vienna, Austria //
Ukrainian President Zelensky today stated to the Austrian Council: "One cannot be morally neutral towards evil".
To turn words into action Ukrainian campaigning group Razom We Stand urges the Austrian government to immediately act to tighten and fully enforce the full and transparent embargo on Russian fossil fuels. This action is needed to fulfill the need of drying up the funds for Putin's war machine, and also helping to solve the climate crisis. This month urgent climate recommendations were released in the UN IPCC scientific report, which called for immediate reductions of fossil fuels, which are preventing the world from reaching the 1.5c global warming maximum as stated in the Paris Climate Agreement. 

Ukrainian Svitlana Romanko, Director of Ukrainian organization Razom We Stand, stated:
Austria has committed again and again to support Ukraine, yet today President Zelensky made it clear that these commitments must be turned into more action, to end the Russian evil of their attack on my innocent country. People in my country are suffering horrendous violence, and war crimes, which are financed by tax money paid to Russia, including from Austrian companies. Raiffeisen Bank International, OMV, and Schoeller-Bleckmann, are all companies in Austria that must immediately stop their bloody collaborating with Russia, raising funds for bullets and bombs used to kill Ukrainians. We demand that the Austrian government act now to stop all financial support for Russia coming from within Austria for peace and energy security in Ukraine and the EU."

Tweet from Razom We Stand is here: “Now @ZelenskyyUa  addressed #Austria's Parliament, saying it's time to move beyond rhetoric and take real action to end #russian 🇷🇺 aggression in #Ukraine 🇺🇦. We call on the Austrian government to #StandWithUkraine & fulfill commitments to peace and #ClimateAction 🍃🌍.”


CONTACT: Jason Kirkpatrick, jason@razomwestand.org

Notes to editors:

Professional photos of Svitlana Romanko are available here, copyright free unless otherwise noted on image. Ms. Romanko has been successful in influencing Ukraine government planning for clean energy, supported by President Zelensky, to rebuild Ukraine's future energy system with clean energy as a model to lead Europe.
Ms. Romanko's twitter is: @SvitlanaRomanko