27.04.23 / Renewables / Article

RE-Energy Network for the green transition in Ukraine: our first two months of results

On the anniversary of Russia's fossil-fueled invasion of Ukraine, which is trying to destroy the democratic system in the world and disrupt the development of renewable energy sources, provoking significant energy poverty and further exposing most vulnerable people to adverse impacts of climate change, Razom We Stand launched in Ukraine Re-energy Network.

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On the anniversary of Russia's fossil-fueled invasion of Ukraine, which is trying to destroy the democratic system in the world and disrupt the development of renewable energy sources, provoking significant energy poverty and further exposing most vulnerable people to adverse impacts of climate change, Razom We Stand launched in Ukraine Re-energy Network.

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We greatly appreciate your involvement in the joint venture - promoting rapid green transition for Ukraine’s post-war recovery and mobilizing global financial capital for massive investments in renewable energy.

In this short time, since the launch we have done a lot and are happy to report to you:

  • Razom We Stand became a member of Rise Coalition, which cooperates with the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development and the Ministry of Infrastructure to create digital tools for management and monitoring of reconstruction projects. 
  • Together with clean energy think-tank Ember, we issued a joint press release highlight that Europe’s demand for fossil fuels could fall by 20% this year and can be further replaced by renewables.
  • Together with the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences, we published results of research that shows rebuilding the Ukrainian economy prioritizing decarbonization will require only 5% more investments than in scenario with continued reliance on fossil fuel infrastructure. 
  • We also appealed to the authorities with a proposal to open climate data in the process of rebuilding Ukraine, especially indicators of specific emissions of greenhouse gasses per unit of energy production, and also called upon state enterprises to implement international accounting standards of GHG protocol.
  • Together with the Ministry of Energy, we prepared a publication on legislative initiatives planned by the authorities to accelerate the green transition, including: net billing, certificates of origin and feed in premium contracts. The implementation of these initiatives can help to increase the share of renewables in the Ukrainian energy mix by 2030 to one third of total energy demand.
  • Also, we appeal to the authorities with proposals for the addressed targeted monetization of housing subsidies for the supply of electricity in order to get rid of imbalances in the energy market and continue to help the most vulnerable sections of the population.
  • We wrote an appeal to the authorities in order to realize the potential of renewable energy and carbon-free technologies for the reconstruction of industry and received an answer that our proposals will be taken into account in a program, that the Ministry of Strategy and Industry is jointly developing with the United Nations Industrial Development Program (UNIDO). The Program green recovery and development of Ukraine's industry in the post-war period for 5 years will include measures for circular economy and environmental protection, decarbonization and sustainable energy.
  • We also appealed to the Ukrainian authorities to align sectoral policies in the process of development of the National Energy and Climate Plan. We hope that this work will start soon.
  • We also started cooperation with the leading Ukrainian associations in the field of renewable energy, with which we jointly promote the development of RES, as well as the possibility of creating the local production and recycling of RES equipment in Ukraine.

Now we are preparing to hold a side event in London next to the official Ukraine recovery conference 21-22 June. Our main goal is to reveal the potential of RES in Ukraine for international investors in wind, solar and bioenergy. Stay tuned, we will keep you updated!

Also, very soon we will present our petition regarding the green reconstruction of Ukraine in order to involve broad sections of the population in the process of post-war recovery based on renewables.

We are committed to implementing international and national communication strategies in favor of the transition to green decentralized energy systems of the future, so that Ukraine becomes the first post-war country in the world to have green energy at the center of its energy policy, investment, and the basis for reconstruction of infrastructure.

Olha Yevstihnieieva,
Advocacy manager of green recovery of Ukraine
Razom We Stand