12.02.24 / / Press Release

Ukrainian Campaign Group Reacts To Latest Russian Sanctions Loophole Exploitation As Arctic LNG 2 Icebreaker Ship Transferred to UAE

It has been revealed that Russia continues to find new sanctions loopholes for exporting its LNG to fund its war chest and continue attacking Ukraine. Russian natural gas company Novatek has taken steps toward beginning shipments from its Arctic LNG 2 project. Russian ownership of the ice-capable Arc7 LNG carrier Pyotr Kapitsa has now been transferred to an entity out of the United Arab Emirates. This appears to circumvent the many loopholes in US and EU sanctions.

Ukrainian group Razom We Stand campaigns to end the war by drying up Putin's funding for war through full and complete sanctions on Russian fossil fuel exports.

Oleh Savitskyi, Campaign Director at Razom We Stand, stated, "Russian LNG industry is now under the gun of US sanctions. Putin’s friends at Novatek are in real trouble. They won't be able to run the Arctic LNG 2 project economically without additional LNG tankers. Sanction enforcement must be tightened now to prevent Russians from using shell companies in UAE and elsewhere to operate a new shadow fleet of LNG tankers."

Quote available via X/Twitter link here.


Razom We Stand is a Ukrainian organisation active internationally, calling for a total and permanent embargo on Russian fossil fuels and an immediate end to all investment into Russian oil and gas companies by phasing out fossil fuels globally.

Quotes from Oleh Savitskyi provided herein may be used for publication with appropriate attribution.

Razom We Stand has appeared in top-tier international press, including Politico, Bloomberg, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, Financial Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde; a detailed list is here.

Professional photos of Oleh Savitskyi are copyright-free here unless otherwise noted on the image.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Paraic Walker - International Communications Specialist at Razom We Stand press@razomwestand.org